Reports from the field, tests from the lab, and other assorted alerts.
Major Software Updates and New Filters
Image taken straight off the Camp Snap 103b with no edits. Shot with the new Eternia filter in-camera and a physical 52mm Vivitar Close Up Lens+4 filter adapted to the lens.
Camper Snapper is celebrating one month of creating custom filters!
Software Update
At launch, Camper Snapper provided a better way to create contrast curves and generate more "filmic" custom filters. Today, I'm pleased to announce a major software update is finally complete: Camper Snapper now supports independent saturation and hue values for each RGB channel. This provides even more editing flexibility than the official Camp Snap filter tool and gives you more nuanced color processing in-camera. This was achieved by extending the Ramp.png file to include some RGB color markers so, if you've previously generated custom filters, please note the new Ramp file is required.
To prove the effectiveness of this new tooling, I'm releasing several Filmulation filters for the Camp Snap camera inspired by some classic film stocks.
Because Camper Snapper's selection of filters has grown, I've moved the filters to their own subpage for easier browsing. To alleviate any analysis paralysis, I've also created a filter comparison tool. See how they stack up, then pick the one that's right for you.
Thank You
It's been a long road of debugging RGB codes, reverse engineering the color correction matrix, and blinding myself with the flash as I check skin tone rendering. I want to thank everyone for your kind words, feedback, and support. It's been quite the month for Camper Snapper and I hope you continue to get as much use out this tool as I have.
Happy Snapping!
Camper Snapper Filters in the Wild
Boom Boom Filter - Vizcaya Museum - submitted by Carlos T. /u/Eyeswide9224
Shoutout to Carlos and Romeo! It has been amazing to see fellow Camp Snap community members enjoying filters from this site.
Bubblegum Filter - Sierra Madre, Philippines - by Romeo Jara @r000__r00
Because the filter example page is under construction, I'm showcasing these examples here until they find a more permanent home.
What Is This All About?
When I received my Camp Snap camera, I fell down the rabbit hole tinkering with custom filters. I explored options for creating more dynamic contrast curves and after prototyping several scripts that got me by, I wanted something with better ergonomics. Eventually, I landed on the idea of creating a ramp file that can capture and transfer information similar to the way LUT files work. After some trial and error, I got it working and launched This isn't intended to replace the official Camp Snap filter tool, but provide an alternative workflow for those more accustomed to their own photo editing software.
I like the spirit of the Camp Snap camera. It's easy and fun and I want Camper Snapper to share a similar vibe. This site was generated with good old fashioned static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. No A.I. tooling was used. (Barely any actual intelligence was used). The filters will always be free. There are no ads, no popups, and no cookies used. The filter creation process runs on your browser and none of the files you upload or generate leave your machine.